In this debut episode of the Live Through Love Podcast, Ruben shares his story, who he is, and how he got to where he is today.He sheds light on the meaning behind his artwork and what it truly means to live through the lens of love.

Anything that I could make as an opportunity to create, to share this message of ‘live through love’, through any means, is what I’m gonna do. And nowthis is a new way to share it.”-Ruben Rojas

Ruben talks about his long and winding journey as an artist, athlete, and scholar as well as what led him to become a real estate agent and financial planner. He details the pivots he’s had to make throughout life, his experience overcoming bankruptcy, and how he realized that he is more than the money or material items he has.

Eventually, after doing some deep work on himself and learning to live through love, Ruben evolved into the muralist, activist, speaker, and entrepreneur he is today.

It’s hard to see love in the world, but it’s possible. Remember, there’s always more love to discover.

So, how do YOU live through love? 

This is an Operation Podcast & Live Through Love Media Production

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